Copyrighted 2014 by Jacqueline Peppard. All rights reserved. Copyright does not pertain to third party content.
The following article from the online publication,Truth-Out.Org provides sobering evidence why it is so important to be aware of what you are buying and eating. The use of Roundup is only one of the many reasons to eliminate genetically modified organisms “GMO’s” from your diet.
Every time you eat food products produced with GMO’s, you bring the earth closer to destruction. GMO’s are killing the bees and beneficial insects, the wild and domesticated animals who eat the insects and seeds, and ultimately humans who eat animal and grain products. Do something on a personal level – refuse to eat food produced with GMO’s. Check labels. Eating and buying organic does not always insure a product is GMO free, as the USDA allows loop holes in the “organic” designation. Look for products marked “GMO free” in addition to “organic” on the label.